
Discover how simple it is to install Timberix™ wood panels with our step-by-step guides and video tutorials. Whether you’re working with grooved or perforated wood panels, our installation methods are designed to be straightforward and efficient.

Each installation method ensures optimal acoustic performance, reducing echoes and reverberations while enhancing the appeal of your space. Training and supervision by professional trainers are available to ensure seamless application. Transform your interiors effortlessly with Timberix™ panels!

Grooved Installation

Method: Pin Nail

Level of Difficulty: Easy

Training Required: Yes

Duration: 1 hour per m²

Timberix™ is an easy to install brand of timber acoustic panels. We provide training to use our Timberix™ panels by our professional trainers. You may watch our “How to Install” video to get started!

If you have a project that requires training or supervision from us, feel free to drop us an email at to arrange a slot.

Grooved Installation 2

Method: Rotary Clip

Level of Difficulty: Easy

Training Required: Yes

Duration: 1 hour per m²

Timberix™ can be installed on the ceilings using rotary clips to help reduce echoes and reverberations in the room. Install the acoustic substrate of your choice. Lastly, join Timberix™ wooden grooved panels from top-to-bottom, and left-to-right.

Perforated Installation

Method: Spline

Level of Difficulty: Easy

Training Required: Yes

Duration: 1 hour per m²

Our wooden perforated acoustic panels are made up of a series of perforations which helps to reduce echoes and reverberations.

To install the perforated plywood panels with gap, firstly install the keels onto the walls. Insert your customised Timberix™ Perforated panels. Lastly, slot in the splines.